Tarusaar - Moringa Leaves Powder "Desi Super Food"

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Rs. 299.00
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Rs. 299.00
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per 60 Sachets


Product Type : moringa

    Moringa Oleifera also known as “Miracle Tree” has more than  92 nutrients, 46 types of anti-oxidants, 36 anti-inflammatory agents as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B7, C, D, E, and K. It aid in curbing more than 300 health related condition.

    With unique combination of phytochemicals like Chlorogenic Acid and Quercitin it

     Regulates Sugar Level

     Stabilize blood pressure

    Strengthens Immunity System

    Protects liver and kidney


    1. Regulates blood pressure

    Potassium, vitamins and minerals are found in plenty in moringa which helps in preventing high blood pressure. It is effective in controlling cholesterol levels in the body. Bioactive components present prevent arterial thickening.

    1. Protects against cancer

    Isothiocyanate and Niazimicin present have anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties. In addition, it is enriched with polyphenols and polyflavonoids, which are antioxidants and anti-cancer compounds, which can help reduce the risk of cancer.

           3.Battles against Diabetes

    Moringa reduces the damages caused by oxidative stress. . It contains Chlorogenic Acid, which has anti diabetic properties and also works to strengthen digestive system.


          4.Strengthens bones structure

    Moringa is beneficial in bone care with increasing age. It has been considered a good source of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which are essential nutrients for bones. It has anti-osteoporotic properties; it helps in treating conditions like arthritis and also damaged bones.


             5.Keeps the heart healthy

    A high amount of antioxidants are found in moringa, which help in relieving problems caused by inflammation in the body and heart problem is one of them. Beta carotene present helps in keeping the heart healthy by acting as an antioxidant.

           6.Helpful in preventing anaemia

    Moringa leaves improve the level of haemoglobin, which helps in the production of red blood cells. It helps in absorbing more iron thus increasing the count of red blood cell.  It contains Vitamin B6 which increases immunity and prevents from anaemia.

    1. Improves brain health

    Old age effects on brain activity which causes neurological diseases. Moringa leaves can work like Nootropics (a kind of medicine for brain health) which can assist in brain health. It improves memory. With high amounts of vitamins C and E, it helps in fighting oxidation and prevents neuron de generation increasing brain strength.

    1. Protect against liver damages

    Incorrect eating and lifestyle have a bad effect on the liver. It contains flavonoid called Quercetin, which act as Hepato-Protective, which helps protect the liver from any kind of damage.

    1. Boost Immunity

    One of the most important benefits of Moringa is that it is a powerful immunity booster. Its high antioxidant content enhances the immune system and protects you from infections. It is rich in iron and vitamin A which strengthens the immune system.

    1. Improves digestive health

    Moringa leaves are beneficial for stomach problems such as stomach aches and ulcers. It has anti-ulcer properties, due to which its intake can protect against the risk of ulcers. Due to its antibiotic and antibacterial properties inhibit the growth of various pathogens, and its high vitamin B content helps improve the digestive system.

    1. Boon for healthy skin

    Moringa contains vitamin A, which forms collagen (skin is made of it). It contains Vitamin C which helps prevent premature aging. In addition, it contains vitamin E which improves cell function. It contains a chemical called Cytokinins that promotes cellular growth on your skin and prevents cell destruction. It purifies the blood and removes toxins from the body which causes acne and rash.

    1. Promotes shinier and stronger hairs

    The iron present in Moringa carries oxygen in the blood to the scalp, thereby improving the growth of hair follicles, which helps to heal damaged hair. Omega-3 present helps to thicken hair with healthy fats.

    1. Vision improvement

    Moringa contains beta-carotene (vitamin A), Zeaxanthin and Lutein, which are beneficial to the eye. It is also used to treat the early stages of glaucoma.

    1. Protect against kidney diseases

    Moringa inhibits the growth of stones in the kidneys, bladder and uterus. It contains high levels of antioxidants which are helpful in maintaining kidney toxicity levels.

    1. Improves Fertility and Libido

    Moringa contains zinc and several anti-oxidants responsible for the development of healthy sperm count and eggs that treat infertility-related problems. It is rich in Vitamin D and helps in increasing testosterone levels in the body. It acts as a hormonal regulator improving sexual health in both women and men. It also improves the quality and quantity of sperm in men.

    1. Cares for Oral and dental health

    It contains bacteria-destroying substances that help in fighting problems like dental plaque, bleeding gums and tooth cavity protecting our oral health.

    1. Builds Strong Muscles

    Moringa leaves contain about 25% protein, which is unusually high for a plant. It contains 9 essential amino acids making it a complete source of protein supporting the growth and maintenance of muscle mass.

    1. Effective in weight management

    Moringa is rich in fiber due to which it aids in digestion. It also contains phosphorus, which causes rapid calorie burn. It increases the breakdown of body fat resulting in weight loss.

    1. Relieves stress and anxiety

    It is a natural Adaptogen that protects the body from the toxic effects of stress. It improves mental clarity and endurance and relieves fatigue. It also balances the level of cortisol in the body, which leads to more energy. It also acts as an anti-depressant and keeps serotonin and dopamine levels in check.

    1. Prevents from Edema

    Edema is a painful condition where fluid builds up in specific tissues in the body. Moringa's anti-inflammatory properties are effective in preventing edema from developing.

    1. Fights against bacterial diseases

    Due to its antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties, Moringa leaves can be beneficial against the infections caused by Salmonella, Rhizopus and E. coli.

    1. Improves sleep quality

    It is a natural mood enhancer as it increases antioxidants in the body along with reduction in oxidative stress. It balances the hormones in the body that are the major cause of insomnia.

    1. Aids in healing wounds

    It accelerates the healing process in the body due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also reduces the scars caused by wounds.

    1. Reduces inflammation in Bronchitis and Asthma

    Moringa reduces the asthmatic activity by reducing inflammation in the lungs and increasing overall lung capacity and expiratory flow.



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